Monday, March 2, 2009

F My Life

Actually, for the first time in, oh, about a few months that is not something I am thinking. But I AM obsessed with if you do not know this website, learn it now. I have it bookmarked, and it is how I am able to pass many of my days at the wine store. 

SO I started my new job at the wine store on Valentines day and before I even got my first pay check they gave me a raise. About 2 days later, my manager pulls me aside and tells me he wants to train me to become a manager. WHAT? haha wicked random and fast, and there are people that have been there since it was the old store, so I feel kind of bad, but not really. So I start my management training tomorrow, and I have a new employee that starts tomorrow that I am in charge of training.

Oh and I have also taken on doing a lot of design work for them. They are a new store, so they need business cards, logos, and pretty much a uniformed look, so I'm all over that.
I also ended up getting a third shift at the restaurant, which I've wanted for so long now. So I'm working 3 nights a week at the Roadhouse, and 5 days a week at the store. Needless to say, I'm very busy!

Work does consume my life right now, and I was really sick at the end of last week, so I took the weekend off from drinking and spent any free time I had in bed. I did miss an awesome mardi gras party that was hosted by Mr. Belding, yes, Saved By the Bell, Mr. Belding. My friends all wore bayside high t shirts and Mr.Belding loved them very much ahah. I cant wait to see all the pics online. 

So I missed that, but I have a very busy month coming up... I went to see Dirty Dancing (LIVE) two weekends ago, amazing, even though I thought I would never admit to that haha. And in two weeks I am going to see THE Britney Spears from the 8th row, and a couple weeks after that I am going to see lady GaGa, and its crazy, there is just so much to do and too little time. and now that I have a job, I can actually afford some of it haha!

OK I am falling asleep at my computer, so I am gonna head off to bed and get ready for my big day tomorrow! work all day and then again all night! ohhhh the life.

Did I mention I am also working on a freelance project for a construction company and designing save the dates and invites for TWO different weddings. YA 
no time! haha 

I love you and miss you ALL!

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